Camera Certificate Information

All speed or red light enforcement camera equipment used by the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership has been type approved for use for enforcement by the Home Office.
Calibration of speed detection equipment is checked annually by the manufacturer in accordance with Home Office Type Approval.
All systems carry out a self diagnostic check prior to every incidence of use and will not be operated should a problem be found.
Speed cameras are calibrated on first delivery to the partnership, and a calibration certificate accompanies every new device. The certificate shows the date of the calibration. Any technical data request should be made to the manufacturers. Details of the calibration procedure on any particular camera are held only by the manufacturers.
Some of our camera systems also require the fixed camera sites to be calibrated. The calibration of camera sites is performed annually by the manufacturers, and a certificate of the calibration of the site is also issued. Camera sites are part of the whole speed enforcement system and are developed by the manufacturer with the camera that accompanies that system.
This Partnership currently uses detection systems manufactured by:
- TRUVELO (UK) Ltd (the UK office being in Brentford, Middlesex)
- GATSO (distributed by SERCO of Southall, Middlesex)
- LASER TECH UK of Warwick
- SPEED CHECK SERVICES (SCS) Ltd of Camberley, Surrey
- RED SPEED INTERNATIONAL of Kidderminster, Worcestershire
The calibration of all sites and cameras is carried out as the Type Approval procedure demands. We will only use cameras that have a valid calibration certificate for speed or red-light enforcement.
Certificate of Compliance – This certifies the device is cleared to operate in accordance with the Type Approval given for the period stated in the certificate.
Certificate of Compliance after repair – This certifies the device is cleared to operate in accordance with the Type Approval given for the period between the date of this certificate and the end of the annual period of compliance stated in the certificate of compliance number {enter CoC No}.