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New Enforcement | Dyfatty Street, Swansea


GoSafe work with the Highways Authorities in Wales to enforce safety camera schemes.

Fixed cameras are installed where the collision risk is highest and encourage people to drive within the speed limits, ensuring that everyone is safer on our roads.

We’ve been working with Swansea Council as they have put road signage and Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) in place. Following this work, enforcement will be starting on Dyfatty Street, Swansea on Monday, 10th June 2024.

Advice letters will be issued for the first 4 weeks following the activation of the camera. These letters allow us to engage first and inform the public of the correct speed limit. An advice letter will only be offered once and will not be repeated.

We recognise that most people want to comply with the speed limit in their communities.  However, if they were unaware of what the speed limit was, they may be regularly passing a fixed camera unknowingly breaking the law and be at risk of losing their licence by doing so.

This method supports our aim of achieving compliance with the speed limit for safety reasons, and only using enforcement as a last resort.