Financial Information

Where the fine revenue goes
The Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership does not make any profit from speed and red light camera fines. Safety cameras are there to make roads safer not to make money.
All fine revenue is passed to the Treasury. The partnership is funded by means of a grant from the Welsh Government (WG) with the remainder of our operating costs being obtained by means of a grant provided at the discretion of the Police and Crime Commissioners for Wales, based on receipts derived from motorists who attend diversionary courses for example Speed Awareness Courses.
The partnership invests time and money into driver education, engineering improvements and targeting enforcement where it is needed most. Cameras have been used in Wales since 1991.
You can help too.
By using your judgement and driving to the conditions of the road you can help cut casualties on our roads and make them safer for everyone. An average reduction in speed of just 1mph would lead to a 5% reduction in collisions according to the Transport Research Laboratory.
Partnership Accounts
Please click on the links below to see our Annual Accounts.